
My Log

A ship’s logs is a record of important events in the management, operation, and navigation of a ship (Wikipedia). Follow the logs about exploration and disasters. Read great stories and some of my own stuff. Involve yourself by commenting on the posts. I suggest you start reading about the strange case of Donald Crawhurst and his voyage to the end of the world.

The menu structure

“Short Stories” is a selection of exceptional short stories. Stories I admire and should have been the author of.

“Mine fortællinger” is where my tales, memoirs, nightmares or what else I can come up with resides. They are mostly in Danish.

“Projects” contains information about projects in which I am involved.

“Logs” are longer text pieces I have put put together and present as ship logs.

“About” is from a time when I was actually working. It touches on my virtues as I wanted to present them at that time.

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